Musician Singer Songwriter

NEWS: 2025

I’m back playing guitar starting November 2024. My hand operation was a complete success! I feel much more dexterity after getting rid of my Dupuytren’s Contractor inherited disease. The Doctor claims I have only a 2-3% chance of it returning! I hadn’t been able to play guitar from the 4th of July until November 2024.

So, with all that time off, restructuring my songlists, improving my equipment and sound, writing new songs and learning some new ones was in order. It feels great to be back with music on my mind and in my heart. Of course, some vendors seem to forget who you are if your not in the doorway waiting to play!

Everyone knows

I rarely see masks on faces these days. It is good feeling to be free of them. The virus played out strongly world wide and I for one feel better about it today. There was an enemy among us. Everyone knows what “they” should have done about it. Everyone knows there is no magical cure, yet! We and us will survive as I and me will pass. Everyone knows.

Musician Singer Songwriter

Singer Songwriter Musician Guitarist

Where Am I Playing?


MY 2025 Alaska Flyer

NEWS: Stand by for updates coming up in February 2025