I have not been able to play guitar for the past few months due to a disease in my hands and fingers. I am scheduled for surgery the 26th of September and recovering for a couple of weeks after that.
In order to have accurate information to present to you, I have copied the web addresses and “cut and paste” some verbiage explaining the issue as follows:
1) https://www.dupuytren-online.info/?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw_4S3BhAAEiwA_64Yhp8bGO6ZILq97iTpgpK-f6qyNrslxqUS9Nga-hmMq2mxqL8_NVIc7RoCzDEQAvD_BwE
Dupuytren’s Disease (Dupuytren Disease), also called Dupuytren’s Contracture or simply Dupuytrens, is a benign thickening of the palm’s or finger’s connective tissue. Dupuytren Disease is the most crippling hand problem and affecting many people, especially when they get older. Dupuytren Disease typically starts with a tiny nodule in the palm. Eventually cords develop and in progressed stages the affected fingers cannot be fully stretched anymore, thus resulting in what is called “Dupuytren’s Contracture”.
2) https://orthoinfo.aaos.org/en/diseases–conditions/dupuytrens-disease/#:~:text=Fasciotomy.,movement%20of%20the%20affected%20finger.
You will go home on the same day as the surgery. It will probably take about 6 weeks for your hand to heal.
3) https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/10597922/
A previous study showed a dip in the prevalence curve of Dupuytren’s disease in men over 79 years of age. This may indicate increased mortality. The aim of the present investigation was to study this hypothesis. Four hundred and twenty-six men with Dupuytren’s disease, born between 1900 and 1924 were followed for 26 years (1969-1996). Their mortality was compared with that of an age-matched control group of 426 men. In 1996, 361 with Dupuytren’s disease and 336 in the control group had died. Overall, patients with Dupuytren’s disease had a significantly increased mortality of 22%. The mortality was highest among those with onset of disease before the age of 60. In this age group men with Dupuytren’s disease had 70% higher mortality than that of the control group. Disease duration did not seem to influence the mortality. It’s a hand condition that can limit finger movement but doesn’t directly impact how long someone will live.
The cause of Dupuytren’s contracture is unknown, but risk factors include advancing age, Scandinavian and Celtic ancestry, and certain conditions such as epilepsy, alcoholism and diabetes. Treatment options include injections of corticosteroids into the palm and surgery.
I finally submitted my DNA to Ancestry.com and found that I was 35% Scottish, 31% English and northern Europe, 13% Welsh, 9% Swedish and Denmark, 7% Germanic, and 3% Irish. Upon my exit from the military in 2008, it was documented as a matter of record but was not significant enough for treatment nor reduction in range of motion. All is going great for us so far this year and I’m also working daily in my studio with updated software for my second album that is just around the corner! I’m gaming through many titles for the album and one has not yet been selected.
Everyone knows
I rarely see masks on faces these days. It is good feeling to be free of them. The virus played out strongly world wide and I for one feel better about it today. There was an enemy among us. Everyone knows what “they” should have done about it. Everyone knows there is no magical cure, yet! We and us will survive as I and me will pass. Everyone knows.
I’m currently awaiting knee and lower lumbar treatment, and of course hand issues. So time off has been filled with thoughts, ideas, dreams and hopes of finally completing my second album (CD) (10 original song arrangement). Four songs are already studio complete, six more are written and awaiting editing. I am constantly asked about it and will try to complete the task soon!